Properly store clothes and blankets for the winter

When the autumn wind blows, the leaves fall from the trees and the temperatures drop, we know it’s time to put aside our summer clothes and bring out the warmer wardrobe. But how can we store summer clothes, lightweight blankets and bedding so they’re ready to go next year? Proper storage is essential to extending the life of your textiles and keeping them fresh and clean. 

This article will share practical and easy-to-implement tips on how to get your summer-ready textiles through the winter in the best way possible, and show how choosing the right storage containers, using scented bags, and organizing your closet well can keep your clothes and textiles in pristine condition. In addition, we will address why it is of great importance to dry clothes and containers completely before storing them to avoid mould and musty odours.

Choose the right container for storage 

When storing summer clothing through the winter, choosing the right storage bins is critical to maintaining the condition and freshness of the clothing. There are several types of containers that can be considered for storage:

Plastic bins: they protect your clothes from moisture, pests and dust and are available in different sizes. The airtight seal prevents unwanted odours from entering.

Vacuum bags: these significantly reduce the volume of clothing and protect against moths and moisture, ideal for places with limited storage space.

Fabric containers: They allow textiles to breathe to some extent, but are not as effective against moisture and pests.

Cardboard boxes: they are a cost-effective solution, but offer less protection against the environment and pests.

Each container has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is advisable to choose the type of container carefully and match it to the specific needs of the items to be stored. Some may prefer the airtightness of plastic containers, while others may appreciate the compressive properties of vacuum bags. Proper selection of the storage container is the first step to well-protected clothes until next summer.

Pack lavender sachets with your clothes to make them smell pleasant

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Lavender is known not only for its pleasant scent but also for its numerous useful properties. In the context of protecting clothes in storage, lavender offers specific benefits:

  • Moth repellent: Probably the best-known use of lavender in the home is to repel moths. Moths are pests that like to feast on natural fibres, such as wool or silk. The scent of lavender is unpleasant to moths and can deter them from settling near clothing or laying their eggs there.
  • Fresh Scent: Lavender has a strong, pleasant scent that gives clothing a fresh aroma, especially when stored for long periods of time. This can be especially useful in avoiding the musty smell that often forms in closed closets or boxes.
  • Calming properties: Lavender is also known for its calming and relaxing properties. Wearing clothes scented with lavender can help to relax and relieve stress.
  • Antibacterial and Antifungal: Lavender has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms around your clothing.

In summary, lavender is not only a wonderful remedy for keeping clothes fresh and pests away, but also has numerous other health and beneficial properties.

Make lavender sachets yourself

Lavender sachets are a natural way to keep your stored clothes fresh and ward off moths. Here are some steps on how to effectively use lavender sachets with your clothes:

Selecting the lavender: choose dried lavender flowers, as they retain their scent longer. You can buy ready-made sachets or make your own. You can find dried lavender flowers at health food stores, pharmacies, organic stores or online.

Fill sachets: Fill small cloth sachets with the lavender flowers. Use breathable fabrics such as cotton or linen to better release the scent.

Closure: Close the sachets tightly so that no flowers fall out. A simple knot or bow usually suffices.

Placement: Place the lavender sachets between the clothes in the storage container or hang them in the closet.

Number: Depending on the size of the container and the intensity of the desired fragrance, you should adjust the number of sachets. In a larger container, the fragrance spreads over a larger space, so more sachets or larger sachets are needed.

Refresh: Replace or refresh lavender sachets about every three months to maintain fragrance and protection.

Additional information:

If you want to dry fresh lavender yourself, tie the stems into small bundles and hang them in a dry, warm, well-ventilated area. The drying process takes 2 to 3 weeks.

Ready-made lavender sachets can often be found in the same stores where you can buy dried lavender flowers: health food stores, pharmacies, organic stores, gift stores, and decor stores.

By using lavender sachets, you will not only protect your clothes from moths but also provide a pleasant and fresh scent to your closet or storage space.

Organize your closet

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Organizing your closet before winter is an important process to ensure that your summer clothes overwinter in pristine condition. The well-organized closet not only saves space but also preserves the clothes from possible damage, wrinkles and deformation.

Before you begin, you should completely empty the closet and carefully inspect each item of clothing. Damaged clothes or those that are no longer needed can be sorted out. After that, it is essential to thoroughly clean the remaining clothes and let them dry completely to prevent mould.

Invest in sturdy, high-quality wooden hangers to preserve the shape of your clothes. Look for padded hangers for delicate fabrics. Drawer dividers can also help keep smaller clothing items, like underwear or accessories, neatly organized.

Use any storage space

Use a variety of storage options, such as boxes, bags, suitcases or vacuum bags, to protect your clothes and make the most of the space available. These should be stored in a dry, cool and dark place. If you have little storage space, you can use the space under the bed or on top of the closet.

When putting things away, careful placement is key. Heavy garments, such as jeans or sweaters, should be stored at the bottom of the closet to avoid crushing lighter garments, such as blouses or T-shirts.

Lastly, you should check the condition of your stored summer clothes every 2 months. This will allow for early detection and correction of any problems, such as mould growth or an infestation of moths and other pests.

Quick recap:

  • Clean out and clean: Put clean, dry and intact clothes in storage.
  • High-quality hangers and dividers: To maintain shape and order
  • Versatile storage solutions: Protection and space-saving storage of clothes
  • Careful placement: Heavy items to the bottom, light items to the top to avoid crushing
  • Continuous inspection: early identification and correction of problems such as mould or pest infestation

Hang your clothes properly

Proper hanging of clothing is essential to maintaining the longevity and shape of garments. Here are some tips on how to hang clothes properly so they keep their shape and look fresh:

First, choosing the right hanger is important. Plastic or wooden hangers are often better than wire hangers because they offer more stability. Padded hangers are ideal for delicate fabrics, such as silk or cashmere, or garments with special cuts to prevent stretching or distortion.

Second, heavy garments, such as coats or heavy sweaters, should be hung correctly to prevent shoulder bumps. This can be achieved by using hangers with wider shoulders. Similarly, pants should be hung at the hem seams or waistband to minimize wrinkles.

Third, proper spacing between hung garments is critical to allow air circulation and prevent wrinkling. A cluttered wardrobe can cause garments to wrinkle and distort.

Following these simple but effective methods will keep your clothes in top condition while keeping them neat and accessible.

Make sure clothes and containers are dry

It is of great importance to ensure that both the clothes and the containers in which they are stored are completely dry to avoid mould growth and unpleasant odours. When clothes are stored damp, it provides an ideal environment for mould and bacteria, which not only smell unpleasant but can also destroy the materials.

Therefore, it is essential to dry garments thoroughly before storing them. Similarly, it is important to also check the storage containers and make sure they are dry and clean before storing clothes in them.

Using silica gel packets in the storage boxes can help absorb any residual moisture and prevent a damp environment. Similarly, regular airing of the rooms where clothes are stored can help keep humidity levels down and thus prevent mould growth.

By taking these measures, you can not only ensure the longevity of your clothes but also enjoy a fresh and clean wardrobe next summer.


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Properly storing summer clothes during the colder months is crucial to maintaining their condition and freshness. By using the right storage containers, adding lavender sachets for a pleasant scent, hanging them neatly and making sure everything is completely dry, you can effectively protect your clothes.

In addition to storing clothes carefully, the home should not be neglected. A basic cleaning, which includes wiping the inside of closets, contributes to an overall clean and pleasant living environment. Here Helpling offers the possibility to book professional cleaners who will take care of the cleaning while you can relax or dedicate yourself to other tasks. This leaves more time to enjoy a clean and tidy home and prepare for the upcoming season.

Your checklist

Preparation and cleaning:

  • Clean clothing thoroughly before storing
  • Sort out damaged clothing or clothing that is no longer needed
  • Ensure all garments and containers are completely dry

Choosing the right storage container:

  • Plastic containers for protection from moisture, pests and dust
  • Vacuum bags for volume reduction and protection from moths
  • Fabric containers for breathability
  • Cardboard boxes as an inexpensive but less protective solution

Use of lavender sachets:

  • Lavender for moth repellency and a fresh scent
  • Fill sachets with dried lavender flowers and place in bins
  • Refresh or replace sachets every three months

Closet organization:

  • Use sturdy, high-quality hangers
  • Use drawer dividers for neat storage of smaller items
  • Place heavy clothing at the bottom and lighter clothing at the top
  • Check the condition of clothing every 2 months

Proper hanging of clothes:

  • Choose the correct type of hanger (wood, plastic, padded)
  • Hang heavy clothes correctly to avoid stretching or deformation
  • Leave enough space between the garments

Avoid mould and moisture:

  • Always ensure that clothing and containers are completely dry before storage
  • Avoid damp environments and provide adequate ventilation

With this checklist, you can ensure that your summer clothing, blankets and bedding are well protected during the winter and ready to return to use in spring in perfect condition.

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